2023 Talks

Future Shaping

I am deaf – ASL makes a better experience for everyone

Michael Agyin

Vulnerability is my superpower

Malcolm-Jamal Warner

How I became a contortionist and unlocked my potential

Aryn Shelander

How to have tough conversations in an age of polarization

Anthony Padnos

Physician burnout is a crisis we should all care about

Nicole Alexander

Humans permanently altered our planet. It’s time to act

Francine McCarthy

Comedy for TEDsters

Mary Gallagher

Teen uses AI and Music Technology to compose music

Winston Iskandar

Driving climate action through design and hope

Fiona Cousins

Natural Hydrogen – clean energy right under our feet

Viacheslav Zgonnik


This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.
Mira Costa Campus
1401 Artesia Blvd.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

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