Speaker Spotlight

Bonnie Nixon

Net Zero Strategist

Bonnie Nixon has held many high-profile positions at the global forefront of a new low carbon, resource protected and just economy. Today Ms. Nixon is a corporate sustainability executive at LBCT, the greenest marine terminal in the world. In addition to completing a $250M Net Zero 2030 Strategy, Bonnie obtained $102M in 2023/2024 for decarbonization. Possessing certificates and extensive training in mediation, environmental, health, safety and labor practices, Ms. Nixon teaches Sustainable Supply Chain at Harvard and UCLA Extensions. Bonnie skillfully leads ethical conversations and global initiatives and conducts extensive and executable research designed to accelerate sustainability and advance human rights. Her personal and professional vision is to treasure every tribe and indigenous culture and eliminate destructive extraction from our land, forests and oceans. 

Her prior experience includes:

  • Senior Partner with Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
  • Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Sustainability at Mattel Toys
  • Executive Director of Walmart led Sustainability Consortium (TSC)
  • Director of Global Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing for Hewlett-Packard 
  • Spearheaded Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) or Responsible Business Alliance
  • Vice President of Environmental Communications Consultancy, Circlepoint, Inc.
  • Director of Public Relations for the Boston Harbor Cleanup Project
  • Present and Past Advisory and Board Member for Responsible Sourcing Network, Sustainable Brands, Sustainable Works, Sustainability Roundtable and Sustainable Silicon Valley

Ms. Nixon obtained a Bachelors from Penn State in Sociology, a Masters’ Degree in Learning Technologies and recently completed a PhD in Global Leadership and Change at Pepperdine University. Her Thesis explores the intersection of environmental justice and modern slavery in complex supply chains and asks to what extent large global corporations are addressing it. 



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